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The Applied Quantum Biology Certification 

Applied Quantum Biology is the application of insights from the following areas, to human health and wellbeing:

  • Quantum Biology

  • Circadian Rhythms & Sunlight

  • Metabolic & Mitochondrial Health

Many practitioners are realizing that the biochemical model alone does not fully address the challenges of modern chronic disease or optimal human health.

Trough recorded lectures and live Q&A's the Institute of Applied Quantum Biology teaches the fundamental principles of this science and their clinical application.

Sunset Over the Mountains
Sat on the Rocks during Sunset

Why Take It?

Applied Quantum Biology unlocks the mystery of our global epidemic of chronic disease - and shows the path for achieving truly optimized human biology. A growing body of current and historical research now proves beyond a doubt that a biologically optimized LIGHT environment is as fundamental to human health as good quality air, water and food.

The study of circadian biology has also demonstrated that disrupted circadian rhythms from toxic, non-natural light environments are connected to almost all illness and disease, from cancer to obesity to diabetes to Alzheimers.

Quantum Biology explains how these circadian processes work at the subatomic level, and how photons, electrons and protons interact in our mitochondria to generate energy for our cells. As such, it goes deeper into the underlying mechanisms than current mainstream circadian research.

Once it is understood how different frequencies of light interact with human biology at the quantum level, it is then also clear how ALL frequencies - from light to sound to emotions to electro-magnetic fields - communicate with and affect our biology.

The field of Quantum Biology has emerged faster than institutional curricula can keep up with, so health practitioners must take it upon themselves to learn and adapt to this paradigm shift. The AQB Certification is the first professional certification of its kind in the world.


Note that this Certification is continuing education meant to be integrated into an existing health or wellness related practice. It is not a coaching certification. New practitioners are welcome, but will require additional training in other areas of health & medicine to be fully ready to launch a new health practice. 

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